After leaving the MMX project at Linienstrasse 142/143, Berlin we collaborated with the Artist House Torstraße 111 and started renovations on new exhibition spaces. This involved removing the ground floors of the house and digging out the cellars to create 2-story high exhibition spaces in the main house. We dug out the inner courtyard and removed 30 dumpsters worth of rubble from the whole house. After several months of dirty and dusty renovations, we hosted a preview of the new spaces coinciding with the sound installation exhibition of Icelandic artist Tumi Magnússon. April 2012 brought the first official opening of these new massive galleries, ushering in a new chapter for Tor 111.
Various ~ Verschiedenes Exhibition
Walkthrough of Tumi Magnússon Exhibition & Preview of New Exhibition spaces
Floorplan for New Exhibition Spaces